O Gauge Ringfield Motor Upgrade Kits for Lima Locomotives

It’s been a wee bit quite on the blog for the past few months, but, much like ducks on a pond, behind the scenes lots has been happening.

Lima O Gauge Motor Upgrade Kit

One of the big projects has been the development of two new ringfield motor upgrade kits; this time we’ve been focused on Lima’s highly-collectable, yet somewhat limited range of O gauge models.

We’re delighted to announce that our brand new LO1 kit is now available. It features a chunky motor, a three part adaptor and a brand new gear.

Lima O Gauge Motor Upgrade Kit

It will fit Lima’s sole UK outline O gauge diesel locomotive – the Class 33 ‘Crompton’ – their SNCF diesel and the 0-4-0 diesel shunter (which comes in a number of guises). It’s our simplest-to-fit kit yet, with no fiddly gear trimming!



If you’d like to upgrade your own Lima Class 33, SNCF Class BB 67000 or diesel shunter, you can buy a kit via the link at the foot of this article.


We’ll be doing a short video on the kit and taking a closer look at how the adaptor fits together in due course, but for the time being we’ve produced full colour, detailed instructions, which you can download below.


Lima O Gauge Ringfield Motor Upgrade Kit (LO1) Instructions 2.13 MB 736 downloads

Step-by-step instructions for our Lima LO1 ringfield motor upgrade kit, for O Gauge...

We’ve also got a second O gauge kit suitable for Lima’s Fowler 4F steam locomotive. It’s almost ready to go and will be added to our web shop as soon as the instructions booklet is complete.