A brand new 6v high-torque CD/DVD can-style motor, as featured in our Lima and Hornby upgrade kits. With the correct wiring and components, these can be used on DC and DCC layouts.
This 12mm motor is the more robust option for CD motor conversions and will fit most bo-bo diesel models/DMUs/Railcar, but not those with co-co bogies, tank engines or Lima’s Class 08/09 (without modification to the motor enclosure).
Motor diameter: 24.2mm
Motor height: 12.2mm
Shaft diameter: 2mm
Shaft length: 5mm
Voltage range: 1.5V~6V
No-load speed Current: Â 24mA @ 6V
Please note: Unless you are buying this motor as a replacement for one provided in our conversion kits, you will also require a replacement drive gear and other materials to complete a conversion.
Important considerations
1. Our replacement motors are low-noise DC motors designed for CD/DVD drives. The output from a DCC decoder or a DC controller can exceed their voltage rating depending on how hard hard the loco is being worked. Whilst our own tests (and those of many others before us) show that these motors are capable of handling voltages higher than their rating, in order to avoid motor burn-out, prolong motor life and achieve prototypical speeds, we recommend:
★ For DC/Analogue use, speeds are kept low manually via the controller and a diode* voltage dropper should be considered in order to reduce voltage going to the motor (as outlined in the instructions);
★ For DCC use, speeds are kept low manually via the controller, decoders should have their CV5 value reduced (if available) and, particularly where CV5 adjustment is not available, a diode* voltage dropper should be considered in order to reduce voltage going to the motor (as outlined in the instructions).
2. With all CD-style motor conversions, it is good practice to: i) maintain very high speeds for relatively short periods only, ii) keep running on steep inclines to a minimum, iii)  avoid coupled up with excessively long rakes of coaches/wagons, and iv) where less robust 10mm motors are fitted, resist the temptation to fit additional weight to the loco.
3. It is recommended that locomotives fitted with our 3D printed adaptor kits are not run for more than an hour continuously; this is to prevent the motor temperature from exceeding the glass transition temperature of the plastic.
4. We recommend that locomotives fitted with can-style CD motors are:
★ Not run without a DCC decoder as ‘Locomotive 0’ on a DCC model railway layout (this is will lead to over-heating and rapidly ruin the motor), and
★ Not placed on the tracks whilst a high frequency track cleaner (such as the Gaugemaster HF-1/HF-2) is in operation. There have been some reports that the frequency can damage the motors, although it is not something that we have tested.
We can accept no liability or responsibility for any damage or injury occurring from the installation and use of our motor replacement kits. Installation requires modifications and the use of tools, some of which have the potential to damage you and/or you models, as well as other components and equipment. Users must not commence work unless they are confident that they have the skills and experience necessary to complete it successfully, and install these kits and undertake work to their models at their own risk.
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