Strathpeffer Junction Mugs

To celebrate reaching a fabulous 500 subscribers on our YouTube channel, we’ve produced a number of limited edition Strathpeffer Junction mugs to give away in a competition.

We’ll release details of the competition shortly in a forthcoming video, but here’s a sneak preview. We’re really chuffed with them and think they look great…particularly with a nice, freshly-brewed cup of coffee!

Update: we now have a limited number of mugs available via our online shop.


DCC Decoder Wiring Diagrams for Non-DCC Ready Locomotives

We’re working on a short tutorial looking at DCC decoder installation in older locomotives, such as Lima and Hornby, that are powered by ringfield/pancake-style motors.

To accompany the tutorial, we’ve produced a PDF containing a series of basic wiring diagrams to help with the installation process. They cover the more modern can-style motors (as found in Bachmann, Heljan, Dapol etc.) as well as the older ringfield ones (similar to those found in many Hornby and Lima models).


There’s also a basic diagram for directional lighting and a single Aux channel, such as the Aux 1/green wire available on most low/mid-range decoders, such as Hornby’s entry level R8249 8-pin variety.

The wiring principles would be the same for older ‘grain of wheat’ bulbs, although the resistor value would need to be altered to suit the bulb and track voltage.

You can download the PDF by clicking here.

Tutorial: TCS 21 Pin DCC Breakout Adaptor

In our last blog post, looked at the TCS-brand 21-pin breakout board, which can be used to permanent convert an 8-pin DCC decoder for use in a 21-pin chassis.

21 Pin DCC Breakout Adaptor Pinout Wiring Diagram

We’ve now put together a short YouTube video on how to carry out the modification, which you can watch below. We’ve also produced a wiring diagram to accompany the tutorial, which is available by clicking here.